What is WRONG with me?!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I can barely get ONE post in every week lately! I need to stop this procrastinating. I'm getting stressed out, with Christmas coming up, and graduation last weekend (I'll post some pics later on today), plus working full time at preschool now. By the time I get home from work, I am literally just exhausted. Physically and mentally. My workout schedule has dwindled horribly. I get home from work, lay down on the couch, and SLEEP. I've been going to bed around 7 o'clock, it's horrible!

And today I woke up at 3am with the stomach flu (YUCK). But, at least I get an unplanned day off of work. However, I will be missing our staff Christmas party, which I made delicious turkey meatballs and Club Cracker Bars for. I guess Kris and I will have to eat them ALL. :-(

I'm going to quickly give you my eats from yesterday, just as a recap.

An omelet made with Egg Beaters, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and feta cheese.

Tofu Shirataki Noodles with tomato sauce and steamed spinach and mushrooms on the side.

String Cheese!

A 6-inch Subway Sub: Turkey with spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and peppers, with Sweet Onion sauce.

Luckily, when I'm getting stressed/depressed, I have my kitties. Here's another hilarious video for you guys! They are so darn cute!


Erica said...

Oh no! I hope you feel much better! Don't stress- post when you can- we love to read your posts and will wait for them :) Have fun with the kitties today!

Brittany said...

Yeah! What is the deal with you and not posting! Just kidding dear. I hope that you start feeling better. The flu is bad, but the stomach flu is worse. Could you have caught it from your kiddos at the school???

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Ahh, don't stress, Lyss!! Hang in there!!

Cuuuute kittens, for sure.

HangryPants said...

Oh geez! Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

It's okay! THis is your blog and you post when you can girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

blame the holidays - its so busy this time of year, but in a nice way :)

your breakfast looks delicious!

healthy ashley said...

I hope you do more posts soon because I just found your blog, subscribed and love it!

Simple and Divine said...

Hey there beautiful girl!

I miss your blog, S0! And even moreso, I miss you! Your energy, whether up or down, always brings positivity into my life... I love your spirit and even moreso, your words! I miss em =(

Hope your doing well! X0

[PS] Facebook me! (Julia Wise)

Anonymous said...

oh, I'm so sorry about your hectic schedule and tiredness! I hope you feel much better soon, cauz we all miss you here!but at least you have those adorable kittens to cheer you up!

Anonymous said...

super cute kitties and rad blog!

Simply Life said...

yum! that breakfast and lunch look amazing!

katie said...

I love tofu noodles!

Music, fitness, food and giveaways - http://katiechangesforkatie.blogspot.com/