A Power Salad

Friday, September 19, 2008

Preschoolers take alot out of you- energy, patience, your sanity, etc. So for my lunches on the days that I'm working at the ECC I try to pack something loaded with healthy veggies and protein. The mixture of the two always seems to perk my mood up and give me the energy boost I need to get through the rest of the day.

So today I brought an amazingly good salad that I'd made the night before:
It consisted of romaine lettuce, spinach, chopped cucumbers, roma tomato chunks, fresh mushrooms, marinated artichoke hearts, pre-cooked chicken strips, garlic- and basil-seasoned feta cheese, along with some freshly ground black pepper.
I topped it with a couple tablespoons of this yummy Balsamic dressing that I picked up for a $1 at our local grocery store. I love it, it's only 15 calories for two tablespoons and has the perfect amount of sweetness vs. tartness for my tastebuds. Very, very good.

I'm currently at home enjoying a Miller Chill waiting for my hunny to get home. I'm going to make some form of turkey burgers tonight. I'll update later!!